Sunday, July 22, 2018

Little More Exhaustion

  The last two weeks have been a little rough.  A lot of overtime which will help come payday, but my mind is mush.

  Everything started out by fighting a 15 year old on PCP.  If anyone doesn't know what that's like then let me tell you.  I was first on scene and the kid was naked.  I fought by myself until backup got there and by the end, 6 grown men had a hard time holding a 135 lb kid down until paramedics could medically sedate him...

  The rest of the week just went downhill.  I think I actually lost a couple days in there somewhere.  Now it ends with a guy strangling his girlfriend, although she survived, and tying his small children in his apartment.  The monsters aren't under your bed or in your closet, they're out there walking among us.

  Anyway, all that along with the usual nightmares takes its toll.  I guess I shouldn't complain, there's always someone out there that has it worse.

  I think part of my problem is I stopped going to therapy...oops.  I canceled a couple appointments then got lazy I guess.  Just taking the pills and lying to my psychiatrist about going to therapy.  I guess I should just get off my ass and change that.  I need help and now I'm just being stupid.


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Little Bit Exhausted

  What a week!  The week of July 4th is always our busiest.  The Police Chief bans all days off for the week.  We have our annual festival that's a week long, 5K runs, fireworks that draw hundreds of thousands of people from all over, and of course the largest, or one of the largest, 4th of July parades in the state.  I stood out in the sun and 95 degree heat with a vest for three hours, guess I shouldn't bitch, it was time and a half overtime.  Governor details among other stuff.  Between working all that overtime and still having to work my normal shift it's sleep (a little), work, eat if possible, repeat.  I don't even know why I'm blogging right now other than I have a little time before work and just kind of feel like it.

  Ever since my dad committed suicide on July 1st, 2014 with his birthday being July 2nd, that always becomes a nice start to the week also... At least the week keeps me busy enough not to think about it.  It's also nice to see there's still people that support the Police.  A lot of handshaking and thank you's.  At one point, I was saluting an honor guard for some American Revolution group and while I was saluting, they halted, performed a left face to face me, the presented the flag, which for all of you who don't know is a salute with the flag.  In this world of hatred towards the Police, it's just nice to see that stuff.  It kind of makes me feel a little better after starting the week in sadness.  Anyway, that was a bit of rambling.  If anyone has read my posts, I tend to get distracted and ramble a bit.  I think it's part ADHD and part getting something off my chest before I forget.

Anyway, I have plenty to do before I go back to work in a couple hours.  Hope everyone had a good 4th of July, if not then I'm so sorry for you.
